It's December, the weather is getting cold, and in some places there's snow. People start decorating their houses, when we turn on the radio there's Christmas songs. People rush into the stores to shop, and so on.... In conclusion, this time of the year brings many traditions, and I'm no exception.

I really enjoy, sitting near the fireplace, with a blanket, a hot chocolate reading a Harry Potter book and listening to the rain. It's one of the things that I most appreciate in the holidays season!
What about you? Is there any book you re-read every Christmas?
I'm not really into re-reading a book. Its sort of like re-watching a movie, never really been my thing. However, this year, I've been collecting a list of really highly reviewed Christmas books. I think I'm going to slowly work my way through these of the course of the holidays during the next few seasons.
OH WOW, I love BOTH of these pictures so much. I love love loveeeeee Harry Potter, am completely obsessed and haven't re-read a book in a while. This is mainly because I was sad when the series was over. I guess that's kinda silly though.
Love your blog!
I randomly re-read Harry Potter books throughout the year, usually at those times when it seems that every book I pick up just isn't grabbing my attention. Actually, since discovering the audio books of the HP series read by Stephen Fry, thats now my favorite way of re-experiencing the HP world.
There's really no books that I re-read specifically at Christmas, although I can understand why this season makes you think of Christmas at Hogwarts! Great post and love those pictures!
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